How to Grow Elephant Garlic

How to Grow Elephant Garlic

As it's name suggests, elephant garlic is much larger than traditional garlic. In fact it's not really a garlic at all. It's more closely related to the leek.

So you want to know when to plant elephant garlic? Well, the answer is simple: early to mid-autumn. Planting in September and October gives the cloves a long season to grow into big bulbs. Our guide will walk you through the best practices from soil prep to harvest so you get the best results.

Quick Facts

  • Plant elephant garlic in the UK between September and October for best results, but can plant as late as February if needed.

  • Prepare the soil by making sure it’s moist, well draining and rich in organic matter like compost or manure, and consider raised beds for heavy soils.

  • Plant cloves with the pointed end up, space them 25cm-30cm apart and cover them 5cm deep. Keep the soil lightly moist and remove any flowering stalks to direct the plant’s energy into bulb growth.

When to Plant Elephant Garlic

Timing is everything when it comes to growing elephant garlic. September and October is the best time to plant elephant garlic in the UK climate. This gives the cloves a longer season to grow into big bulbs.

Planting in autumn is usually better as it allows the cloves to get established before winter and then produce better clove formation in spring. If you miss the autumn window don’t worry – you can still plant in early spring but the bulbs may not reach the same impressive size.

While October is best, you can plant up to February if the weather permits. But the earlier you plant the better your chances of avoiding solo bulbs and getting those monster elephant garlic bulbs you’re after.

Any 3
for £6.99
Elephant Garlic
Elephant Garlic

For best results plant end of September / October.

Elephant Garlic  - 500g Bulk Pack
Elephant Garlic - 500g Bulk Pack

For best results plant September / October.

Preparing Your Soil for Elephant Garlic

Now that you know when to plant, let’s talk about preparing the soil for your elephant garlic. The secret to success is in the soil. Elephant garlic thrives in moist but well draining soil, clay soil is particularly ideal. Make sure the soil is loose and full of organic matter to promote growth.

Start by clearing the planting area of weeds and previous plants. This is crucial to reduce competition for nutrients and water. Once the area is clear, it’s time to add some soil enrichment. A general fertiliser like compost or well rotted manure will do the trick.

If you have heavy or clay soils consider using raised beds. These will improve drainage and give you more control over your elephant garlic plants. Remember good soil prep is the foundation of a big harvest.

How to Plant Elephant Garlic Cloves

Let's get planting!

Correctly planting the elephant garlic cloves is key to success. Start by dividing the elephant garlic bulb into individual cloves, be careful not to damage them. Each clove will become a new plant so treat them with care.

When planting make sure the pointed end of each clove is facing upwards. This will help the young shoot find its way to the surface more easily. Plant cloves 25cm-30cm apart to give each plant enough room to grow.

Plant the cloves 5cm deep. If the soil is dry at the time of planting give it a good water to help settle the soil around the cloves. Now your elephant garlic is on its way to becoming a garden giant.

Watering and Care Instructions

Consistent care is key as your elephant garlic grows. Here’s what to do:

  • Water regularly, keep the soil lightly moist but not waterlogged.

  • During dry spells water more to keep the soil even.

  • Don’t overwater, wet soil can cause fungal diseases.

Remove the flowering stalks, also known as scapes, as soon as they appear. These scapes will draw energy away from the bulbs so cutting them off will help the plant concentrate its energy on bulb growth.

Keep the area around your elephant garlic plants weed free to reduce competition for nutrients and water. Follow these care tips and your plants will have the best chance to produce those big bulbs.

Harvesting and Curing Elephant Garlic

Now the moment you’ve been waiting for – harvesting your elephant garlic. Elephant garlic is ready to harvest when the foliage turns yellow or brown, usually by late summer. This is the sign the bulbs are mature and ready to be lifted from the soil.

To harvest hardneck garlic:

  1. Loosen the soil around the bulbs and gently lift them out. Be careful not to damage the bulbs during this process.

  2. Once harvested the garlic needs to be cured to bring out the flavour and storage life.

  3. To promote growth spread the bulbs out in a cool, dark place with good air circulation.

  4. Do this for about 3-8 weeks.

Once cured your elephant garlic is ready to use. Whether you’re roasting with olive oil, adding to soups or just enjoying the mild garlic flavour, it will have been worth the wait as it will add a bit of traditional garlic to your dishes.

Common Problems and Solutions

Even with the best care problems can arise. One common problem is the allium leaf miner whose pupae can burrow into the foliage and cause rot. To prevent this cover your plants with insect mesh and rotate crops annually.

Birds can also be a problem, they will pull out freshly planted large cloves. Check your planting site regularly and replant any cloves that have been disturbed. Rust, a fungal disease, can appear in warm, moist conditions and will stunt growth but not affect storage life. Planting in well drained soil will help prevent fungal diseases.

Being vigilant and taking preventative measures will help you manage these common problems and get a good crop.

Why Grow Elephant Garlic

So why grow elephant garlic? Firstly its mild edible flavour makes it a great ingredient for soups, stews and roasting. Its big bulbs will double that of regular garlic.

Elephant garlic is also relatively easy to grow and tends to be pest and disease free. It’s resistant to common garden pests like slugs and snails which is a big plus for gardeners especially when growing elephant garlic scapes.

This popular crop has both culinary and gardening benefits so it’s a great addition to any full sun garden.


Growing elephant garlic in the UK is worth it. With the right timing, soil preparation, planting and care you can get big bulbs with a mild flavour. Plant in autumn for best results, keep the soil well drained and water and care consistently.

Now go and get your monster elephant garlic bulbs!


When should I plant elephant garlic in the UK?

  • Plant in the UK between September and October.

How should I prepare the soil for elephant garlic?

  • Soil should be moist but well drained, clay soil and use general fertilizer before planting.

How deep should I plant elephant garlic cloves?

  • Plant elephant garlic cloves 5cm deep with the pointed end up.

When should I harvest elephant garlic?

  • You will know elephant garlic is ready to harvest when the foliage turns yellow or brown, usually late summer.

What are the common problems with growing elephant garlic?

  • Common problems with growing elephant garlic are allium leaf miner, birds pulling out cloves and rust. You can manage these by using insect mesh, checking regularly and planting in well drained soil.
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