Buy quality vegetable seeds at internet prices!
About our vegetable seeds.
Welcome to SimplySeed, we are a independent seed supplier, offering the home gardener and allotment holders quality vegetable seeds at internet prices.
At SimplySeed our aim is to offer you the very best vegetable seed we can find! We grow a lot of the varieties listed on our 'trial allotment' for our staffs own use at home, that way we really do know how they grow and taste. Then we only list the best in our catalogue, rather than having lots of different varieties just for the sake of it, we really do pick the best vegetable seed varietes, so you don't have to!
So how do we do it?
Firstly, no fancy picture packaging, all seed is packaged in our custom designed protective paper based seed packets either by hand or using precision seed counters. The vegetable packets are labelled and contain all information required by DEFRA, and also include basic germination instructions, plant spacings, and sowing times.
Secondly, we don't produce a paper catalogue, sorry we know how you enjoy looking through them, but do you know how much they cost to produce?, and they have to be paid for somehow...... in higher prices.
Thirdly, we only accept orders online, this cuts our costs but also allows us to have live stock control which will ensure that you get your order as you want it and with no replacements.
By stripping out these costs, it allows us to spend the money on the vegetable seeds themselves, we buy the best batches we can get our hands on and offer them to you at great internet prices.