What's The Difference Between Oregano And Marjoram?

What's The Difference Between Oregano And Marjoram?

The difference between oregano and marjoram is all about the flavour and use in cooking. Here’s the breakdown to help you choose.

Quick Facts

  • Oregano and marjoram are related but have different flavours; oregano is bold and pungent, marjoram is sweet and floral, so can’t be used as substitutes for each other in recipes.

  • Both herbs have cultural and medicinal uses throughout history; oregano for its antimicrobial properties and marjoram for its calming effects and culinary uses.

  • Growing conditions for oregano and marjoram are slightly different; oregano does well in sandy well drained soil with no maintenance, marjoram in sunny spots and regular pruning to keep compact.

Oregano and Marjoram

Oregano and marjoram are like cousins in the plant world, both in the Lamiaceae family. Their botanical name Origanum comes from the Greek word origanon meaning ‘brightness’ or ‘joy of the mountains’. They look similar and have similar uses but are different herbs with different characteristics.

True marjoram, also called ‘knotted’ or ‘sweet marjoram’ is not to be confused with oregano which is sometimes sold under the same name. Oregano plants, including Greek oregano and Mexican oregano are generally more robust and have a stronger flavour than the milder and sweeter marjoram. This difference is important in the culinary world as each herb brings a different essence to the dish.

Flavours of Oregano and Marjoram

The flavours of oregano and marjoram are as different as night and day so can’t be used as substitutes for each other in recipes. Oregano is bold and pungent and can dominate a dish while marjoram is gentle, sweet and floral and enhances without overpowering. Understanding these flavours will help you use these herbs effectively in your cooking.

Oregano’s Bold Flavour

Oregano leaves are punchy with their strong and pungent flavour especially when grown in warm sunny conditions. This aromatic herb like Italian oregano is a staple in Italian cuisine, found in tomato based dishes, pasta sauces and grilled meats. Greek oregano has a unique licorice like flavour and a peppery aroma that can elevate the simplest of dishes and add a spicy flavour to the mix.

Oregano’s bold flavour makes it perfect for hearty dishes that can take its intensity. But that same strength can be overpowering in lighter recipes so use sparingly in those cases. Whether you’re sprinkling fresh oregano on a pizza or adding dried oregano to a stew, its flavour will linger.

Marjoram’s Sweet and Mellow Taste

Marjoram is seen as a milder and sweeter alternative to Origanum vulgare (oregano). Scientifically known as Origanum majorana, sweet marjoram has a floral scent and a woody flavour that adds a gentle touch to dishes. Its sweetness shines in salad dressings, herbal teas and lighter fare like fish and poultry.

Marjoram can be used as a substitute for oregano but will noticeably change a dish as marjoram’s light sweet flavour may not be as prominent in recipes that require oregano’s boldness. But if you want a gentle aromatic boost marjoram is a great choice that goes well with basil and thyme.


The history of oregano and marjoram is steeped in cultural and medicinal uses. These herbs were highly prized in ancient Greece and Rome not just for their culinary uses but also for their symbolism and health benefits.

Oregano was believed to bring happiness and banish sadness, a notion that was deeply ingrained in ancient cultures.

Ancient Uses of Oregano

In ancient Greece oregano was more than just a herb; it was a medicine. It was used internally and externally to treat skin irritations, infections and even snake bites. Oregano tea mixed with wine was a common treatment for poisoning and convulsions, showing its versatility and potency.

The ancient Greeks and Romans used oregano leaves as an antiseptic, utilising its natural antibacterial properties. This multifaceted use of oregano shows its importance in ancient medicine and its lasting legacy as a healing herb.

Marjoram Through the Ages

Marjoram’s history is just as interesting, with a strong focus on its symbolism and culinary uses. Ancient Greeks and Romans saw marjoram as a symbol of happiness and used it in wedding ceremonies and other celebrations. This association with joy and festivity is reflected in its name from the Greek word ‘origanon’.

Marjoram is native to the Mediterranean and Middle East and has been used for centuries in culinary and medicinal ways. Its sweet woody flavour was a staple in many traditional dishes and its calming properties were used in herbal remedies and teas.

Plant Details

Oregano and marjoram may be related but their plant characteristics are different. Oregano is a bushy perennial that can grow up to 2 feet tall forming robust aromatic mounds that attract bees with their tiny flowers.

Marjoram is a smaller, less aggressive plant with gray-green leaves and a more delicate structure.

Oregano Plant Description

Oregano plants are known for their spreading and hardy growth. They can be prostrate to erect and grow 6-36 inches tall. The leaves are small, oval to round and can be smooth or hairy adding to the plant’s aroma.

In late summer oregano produces tiny flowers that can be white, pink or purple in small spikes, panicles or corymbs. These flowers add beauty to the plant and attract pollinators making oregano a great addition to any garden.

Marjoram Plant Description

Marjoram plants may be less aggressive than oregano but they have their own charm. With their gray-green leaves and smaller stature marjoram plants are easy to manage and perfect for container gardening. The leaves are soft and sweetly scented adding to the garden’s fragrance.

Marjoram’s smaller size and less aggressive growth makes it perfect for gardeners looking for a easy to manage yet flavorful herb. Its delicate flowers and calming scent adds to its appeal in the garden and in the kitchen. Wild marjoram is a favourite among herb enthusiasts.

Culinary Uses and Pairs

Both oregano and marjoram are used in kitchens worldwide, each with their own flavour profiles. Oregano is a staple in Italian and Greek cuisine, marjoram in Mediterranean and North American.

Using fresh herbs makes a big difference in your cooking.

Cooking with Oregano

Oregano’s bold flavour makes it great for robust dishes. Here’s how you can use oregano in your cooking:

  • Use fresh oregano as a garnish to add a fresh aroma

  • Add fresh oregano towards the end of cooking to preserve the flavour

  • Dried oregano is often preferred for cooking as the flavour intensifies when dried

  • Use dried oregano in tomato based dishes, pasta sauces and grilled meats

Remember when using dried oregano as it’s stronger in flavour, use less than you would fresh oregano. This way the herb will enhance the dish without overpowering it.

Cooking with Marjoram

Fresh marjoram with its delicate flavour should be used fresh to retain its sweetness. Here’s how to use marjoram in your cooking:

  • Chop the leaves finely and add at the end of cooking to preserve the flavour.

  • Marjoram pairs well with light dishes like fish, poultry and vegetables.

  • It also goes well with other herbs like basil and thyme.

Dried marjoram is still useful but doesn’t retain its sweetness as well as when fresh. However it can add a slightly minty flavour to stews and other robust dishes and enhance the overall flavour profile.

Growing Conditions and Tips

Oregano and marjoram need to be grown according to their specific needs. Both love warm sunny conditions and well drained soil making them easy to grow. Understanding their growing requirements will help you get a bigger harvest.

How to Grow Oregano

Oregano prefers sandy soil with good drainage so it’s perfect for gardens with well drained soil or in containers with added compost or grit. Regular harvesting especially in late spring and summer will encourage bushier growth and more flavourful leaves. In summer a liquid feed will enhance the plant’s growth and flavour.

Once established oregano is drought tolerant and rarely needs extra watering when grown in the ground. However it’s good to water the plant during prolonged dry spells to prevent wilting. Oregano is also easy to propagate by layering, dividing clumps or taking softwood cuttings.

How to Grow Marjoram

Marjoram is a half hardy perennial so it prefers to be planted in a sunny spot with well drained soil. If soil is poorly drained raised beds or containers are best. Marjoram seeds should be sown indoors with warmth before transplanting outdoors.

Pruning regularly will keep the plant compact and bushy and more flavourful leaves. Water until established and mulch around the plants to retain moisture and suppress weeds.


Besides their culinary uses oregano and marjoram are also used for their medicinal properties. These herbs have many health benefits from antiviral and antifungal properties to digestive health support.

Health Benefits of Oregano

For centuries oregano has been a medicinal herb used to treat:

  • skin sores

  • aching muscles

  • stomach aches

  • coughs

  • respiratory diseases

Its essential oils rich in carvacrol and thymol have strong antimicrobial and antibacterial properties and is effective against many infections.

Oregano has:

  • Antiviral to combat viruses

  • Antifungal to combat fungal infections

  • Anti-inflammatory to reduce inflammation

  • Digestive benefits to aid digestion

These properties make oregano a valuable herb in traditional and modern medicine.

Therapeutic Uses of Marjoram

Marjoram is calming and is used in aromatherapy to reduce stress and anxiety. Marjoram tea can relax and aid digestion and is a soothing remedy for bloating and gas.

Marjoram leaves infused in oil is a topical remedy for sore muscles, pain relief and relaxation. Its mild sweet aroma and therapeutic benefits make marjoram a loved herb in natural healing.


In summary oregano and marjoram are two different but complementary herbs that bring different flavours and benefits to the kitchen and garden. Oregano’s strong flavour and medicinal properties is a staple in hearty dishes and natural remedies and marjoram’s sweet floral flavour and calming effects is for delicate recipes and relaxation.

Both herbs have a long history and easy growing conditions so are suitable for both beginners and experienced gardeners. By knowing the difference and uses you can get the most out of these aromatic herbs in your culinary and medicinal uses.


Can oregano and marjoram be used together in recipes?

  • No, oregano and marjoram cannot be used together in recipes because they have different flavours. Oregano’s strong flavour will overpower dishes that need marjoram’s mild and sweet taste.

What are the medicinal benefits of oregano?

  • Oregano has antiviral, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties and has been used to treat respiratory infections, skin sores and digestive issues.

How to use marjoram in cooking?

  • Add fresh marjoram at the end of cooking to preserve its flavour. It pairs well with lighter dishes like fish and poultry and herbs like basil and thyme.

How to grow oregano?

  • To grow oregano successfully provide warm, sunny conditions with well drained, sandy soil and don’t overwater once established.

How to propagate marjoram?

  • Sow seeds indoors in well drained soil and prune regularly.
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