Beetroot Boltardy is the most popular variety for early and.....
Average Contents : 350 seeds
Chatenay Red Core is regaining popularity due to its exceptionally.....
Av. Packet Contents : 500 seeds
Mix of Lettuce varieties suitable for use as a cut and come.....
Average Contents : 1.5g, approx 1000 seeds
My first time growing cucumbers, tried a couple of varieties and this was by far the best. Lots of fruits produced with a good taste. I planted my seeds too early so the plants were hanging around the house too long but they thrived once in the greenhouse and did really well. They have just come to an end (nearly mid August) but two seeds planted a good few weeks after the first are still going well and producing fruits in another greenhouse so if sown at different times should see you through the summer. Would highly recommend!