Dill Seeds, average packet contents 300 seeds

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Packet of Dill SeedsDill is a versatile plant grown for both seeds and its fern-like foliage. The leaves, flowers and seeds are used for flavouring soups and stews, grilled and boiled fish, lamb, potatoes, rice and vinegar. The leaves have a mild aniseed aroma and flavour, although not as strong as fennel. Dill seeds are a noted Indian spice and are often used in curries, bread, soup and salad dressings.

Dill can be grown in the flower garden, vegetable plots / beds, patio containers or in pot on the window sill. Dill dislikes being grown in wet ,cold conditions.

Average Packet Contents: 300 Seeds

Dill Seeds Grow Notes
When to Sow Seeds: Outside: May- July  Indoors: Virtually all year round
Germination Temperature:  15℃+ Cover Seeds: Lightly
Time to Germination: 7 days Frost Hardy: No
Spacing Between Plants: 30cm Row Spacing: 30cm
Plant Height: Depends on use Planting Position:  

How to Grow Dill Seeds.

Seed sowing

Dill seeds can be started off indoors in pots or containers but are best sown directly to the soil. The plants do not like to be disturbed so it’s best to sow seed to large pots or containers in March or April and place outdoors towards the end of May or when all danger of frost has passed. To sow outdoors ensure the beds or planting areas are well prepared and occupy a sunny position. Sow in shallow furrows, then thin out the emerging plants when they are about 5cm high to 30cm apart.

Growing in pots

The plants can be started off in pots indoors or the seeds can be sown directly into large pots placed outdoors from the end of May onwards. Dill can grow quite tall, usually to around 90cm -120cm, and will need some support. Keep pots and containers watered otherwise the plants are likely to bolt (flower and go to seed).

Growing in beds

Ensure the planting area has been well prepared incorporating plenty of organic matter. Rake the soil to produce a fine tilth and use the edge of a hoe to create a shallow furrow. Sow the seeds thinly, cover and water using a watering can with fine rose attachment. Thin the plants once they have reached 2-3cm in height and keep well watered during dry spells.

General aftercare

Dill plants can become quite leggy and so will need supporting with a garden cane or similar support. Keep the plants watered in dry conditions especially pot or container grown plants. Plants that are grown on well prepared beds will not need feeding but remove any weeds from the base of plants as they appear. Pot and container grown plants will benefit from a liquid feed every 3 weeks.

Pests and diseases

Slugs and snails will eat the young seedlings so some preventative measures will need to be taken. Aphids can sometimes be a problem but if spotted early enough they can be removed by cutting out the affected parts or spray the leaves with a jet of water to remove the colonies. The army worm and cut worm are known pests but biological control (nematodes) offer a good remedy.

Harvesting and storage

Dill leaves can be harvested throughout the growing season and will keep for up to 3 weeks in a fridge. The leaves can also be frozen for use throughout the winter. Seeds can be harvested when the flower heads have died by placing the heads into paper bags and storing in a dry place.

Customer Reviews
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2 Reviews:

Love this herb
22 October 2014  |  Jay

I love dill! It gives any dish a lift and is so easy to grow. You can grow it any where. I would really recommend growing this.

Lovely herb
29 October 2013  |  Anna

I love dill, and the seeds that I bought from this website produced great plants that brought me lots of joy Green, juicy and fragrant!

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