Artichoke Green Globe Seeds

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Packet of Artichoke Green Globe SeedsArtichoke Green Globe is the standard green headed variety, which grows up to 170cm tall. It produces uniform round shaped artichokes with a sweet flavour and a tender texture. It has attractive large thistle like flowerheads if allowed to flower.

Artichoke is best sown during the spring in modules and planted out in early summer. Cropping usually starts in the second year and plants remain productive for up to 4 years.

Average Packet Contents: 30 Seeds

Artichoke Green Globe Grow Notes
When to Sow Seeds: March to May - In cell trays or direct sown outside later.
Germination Temperature: 16 ℃ Cover Seeds: Lightly
Time to Germination: 14 Days Frost Hardy: Yes
Spacing Between Plants: 100cm Row Spacing: 100cm
Plant Height: 170cm Planting Position: Sun


Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Sow In Trays:                        
Grow over the Winter


General Artichoke Seeds Growing Tips

Seed sowing

Sow the artichoke seeds in modular trays or 7.5cm pots of seed compost, under cover during February or sow direct into seed beds at 0.5cm deep during March and April. Plants grown in pots or modules can be planted out into their permanent positions in late May or early June. Transplant the seedlings from seed beds to permanent positions during May and water well.

Growing in beds outdoors

Globe artichokes will grow in most soil types as long as it is free draining. However, the young plants will benefit from pre-prepared soil, which has been enriched with plenty of organic matter. In some cases, seed grown plants may send up suckers, which can be removed and planted as individual plants.

The final spacing between plants should be 90cm apart and 90cm between the rows. They will usually grow up to 120cm-140cm in height by the second year.

General aftercare

Keep the area around the plants free from weeds and water well, especially during dry spells. Plants will produce flowers during their first year but these are best removed to allow the plants to become well established and strong so that they produce a bumper crop of quality heads in their second year.

At the end of the first year cut back the stems and cover the crowns with mulch. Then in early spring the following year, apply a mulch of organic matter before the new stems begin to grow. The plants will also benefit from a liquid feed during the early summer months.

Harvesting & storage

Start by harvesting the main head stem first. This will encourage the formation of secondary heads, which can be harvested as they develop. It’s advisable to restrict the heads to 6 per plant in the first year of harvest, which can then be increased to 12 in the following year. After the plants have been growing for 4 years, they can be split into 2 separate plants or new plants grown from the suckers that are thrown up during the growing season. The cooked globes can be eaten on their own or as part of a recipe with artichoke as the main ingredient

Pest & diseases

Slugs and snails will attack the young growing shoots in spring so be prepared with beer traps, crushed egg shells or apply coarse grit around the crowns. Aphids can also be a problem, infesting the fresh, young globular heads. Use a jet of water to remove them or consider a biological control such as ladybird larvae. Planting marigolds nearby will encourage ladybirds and lacewing.

Customer Reviews
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3 Reviews:

good flavour
08 December 2014  |  Robin

Great flavour and crops well

Love this Artichoke
31 December 2012  |  Anna

I love eating artichokes and green globe is very reliable.

Nice Veg
16 December 2012  |  Roddy

Great this last year, good crop in a bad year.

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