I tried a different variety last year which failed to produce any cobs despite healthy plants. This year I decided to try this newer type and I had complete success. The plants grew huge, around 7 feet tall and most produced two cobs each. Only a few were complete but I still ended up with around 3 kilos of seed. I found that it's important to dry it in an oven for a few hours at around 95C otherwise it won't 'pop'. The weather just isn't warm/dry enough in October to dry in on the plant. After drying the corn I was able to 'pop' it in a hot air popcorn maker and it tasted excellent. So my verdict; great fun to grow and great to eat.
Back by demand! Popular early season variety.....
Av. Packet Contents : 30 seeds
Chatenay Red Core is regaining popularity due to its exceptionally.....
Av. Packet Contents : 500 seeds