Bought 40 seeds last year, 39 grew. Bumper crop, lovely tasting fruit. Brilliant for chutneys and salads.
Only grow these
Excellent tomato. lovely red colour, very tasty, no trouble growing this, we have now grown it for the past 4 years and will continue to grow, we have not found any other tomato that we like better.
Very reliable variety, uniform fruits and give an excellent balance of sweet and acidity. Dont be tempted to grow outdoors unless you live south of the country. Also resist over watering as fruits will become very diluted and may split.
Super medium sized tomato, always give a good yield of very tasty fruit.
Gardeners Delight is an old cherry variety but is still as popular....
Growth Habit - Cordon.
Average Packet Contents : 10 seeds
Beetroot Boltardy is the most popular variety for early and.....
Average Contents : 350 seeds